THE SALESMAN Friday 2nd March 2018

D irector: Asghar Farhadi Screenplay: Asghar Farhadi Rated PG-13 f or mature thematic elements and a brief bloody image. Length: 125 minutes The film follows a couple in Tehran involved in an amateur dramatic production of Arthur Miller’s The Salesman, who are forced to move apartments following an earthquake. But the flat into which they move has an unhappy history, compounded by an unwelcome intruder. This psychological and moral drama, investigates how anger and damaged self image can drive a man to destroying the very thing he is attempting to protect - his marriage. "The acting is impeccable and the director’s skill at combining an analysis of a marriage with dramatic exterior conflict is second to none. The Salesman is provocative, challenging, and thoroughly gripping." David Stratton, The Australian, 4/3/2017