MOUNTAIN 6th April 2018

Mountain : a sublime rush of adrenaline and orchestral beauty - Janine Israel Australian Guardian Mountain is an unashamed documentary tribute to adventurers who are willing to risk their lives climbing the world’s great heights. It provides astonishing vision of mountaineers, ice climbers, free soloists, speedflyers, heliskiers, snowboarders, wingsuiters and parachuting mountain bikers. The documentary examines our changing relationship to mountains and to risk-taking over the past 300 years as technology and opportunity have allowed completely new approaches to adventure. Collated from more than 2,000 hours of footage shot in 15 countries, Mountain is a 70-minute rush of adrenaline; a safari into the sublime; a vertiginous voyage to the top of the world. This masterful documentary is a cinematic and musical collaboration between the director, Jennifer Peedom and Richard Tognetti's Australian Chamber Orchestra. The score was recorded i...