Pics and Flicks
4 Star- Margaret Pomeranz
The Danes are riding high on the international film scene at the moment with MADS MIKKELSEN winning best actor in Cannes recently. He stars in a new release here, A ROYAL AFFAIR, about a possibly little-known historical event in Denmark in the 18th Century. A young English princess, Caroline - ALICIA VIKANDER - travels to Copenhagen to be married to the Danish king Christian - MIKKEL BOE FOELSGAARD.She's horrified to discover that her young husband is mentally unstable. When Johann Struensee, Mikkelsen, is appointed to be his personal physician, a dangerous closeness develops between the young Queen and the doctor.

R, 2 hr. 13 min.
Art House & International, Drama
Nikolaj Arcel
Lars von Trier
Further comments
DAVID: Isn’t it interesting? You see I didn’t know this story from Danish history.
DAVID: But at almost the same time, certainly in the same century, the 18th century, exactly the same thing was happening in Russia with Catherine The Great, who was, I think, an Austrian princess, who married the czar only to discover that he was bonkers and...
MARGARET: It’s all this inbreeding in European royalty.
DAVID: It is, isn’t it? That’s right and how fascinating that this is another story. I don’t think - this is not done as well as Josef von Sternberg did THE SCARLET EMPRESS, I must say.
MARGARET: Oh, David.
DAVID: It’s a sumptuously made, attractive people, all of that, but quite a conventional film, I think. It’s got an interesting subtext, this hubris thing, as you said. That is interesting and it told me some things about Danish history that I didn’t know so that was interesting too but I don’t think it’s a great film particularly.
MARGARET: But it’s also interesting to see how far we’ve come in not a very great period of time. The censorship issues then.
MARGARET: The treatment of the poor, of prisoners.
DAVID: Oh, yes, sure.
MARGARET: Torture was sanctioned by the state.
MARGARET: All of this horrible stuff that he tried to reform with her.
MARGARET: He was an enlightened human being.
DAVID: Absolutely, yes.
MARGARET: But politically not very astute.
DAVID: Just a bit up himself really.
MARGARET: Oh, David, I wish you wouldn’t do that. No, he’s not but I actually was really impressed by this and interested. I’m giving it four stars.
DAVID: I’m giving it three and a half.
DAVID: Isn’t it interesting? You see I didn’t know this story from Danish history.
DAVID: But at almost the same time, certainly in the same century, the 18th century, exactly the same thing was happening in Russia with Catherine The Great, who was, I think, an Austrian princess, who married the czar only to discover that he was bonkers and...
MARGARET: It’s all this inbreeding in European royalty.
DAVID: It is, isn’t it? That’s right and how fascinating that this is another story. I don’t think - this is not done as well as Josef von Sternberg did THE SCARLET EMPRESS, I must say.
MARGARET: Oh, David.
DAVID: It’s a sumptuously made, attractive people, all of that, but quite a conventional film, I think. It’s got an interesting subtext, this hubris thing, as you said. That is interesting and it told me some things about Danish history that I didn’t know so that was interesting too but I don’t think it’s a great film particularly.
MARGARET: But it’s also interesting to see how far we’ve come in not a very great period of time. The censorship issues then.
MARGARET: The treatment of the poor, of prisoners.
DAVID: Oh, yes, sure.
MARGARET: Torture was sanctioned by the state.
MARGARET: All of this horrible stuff that he tried to reform with her.
MARGARET: He was an enlightened human being.
DAVID: Absolutely, yes.
MARGARET: But politically not very astute.
DAVID: Just a bit up himself really.
MARGARET: Oh, David, I wish you wouldn’t do that. No, he’s not but I actually was really impressed by this and interested. I’m giving it four stars.
DAVID: I’m giving it three and a half.
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