PARALLEL MOTHERS 5th August 2022


A sensual, savvy and always sublime film by the great Spanish director, Pedro Almodóvar.

Parallel Mothers tells a story that’s simultaneously personal and political. 
It’s an intimate tale of two women and their intertwined lives, but it’s also about Spain’s troubled history and the way strong women are linked for generations through the past, even as they help each other forge a happier future.

Penelope Cruz plays Janis, an accomplished photographer living in Madrid. On the verge of turning 40, she happens to give birth on the same day as another single mum, 17-year-old Ana (the striking Milena Smit), her roommate at the hospital.

Both are accidental mothers and they unexpectedly find themselves connecting in myriad, unexpected ways 
during one of the most vulnerable and thrilling times in their lives. They share all the elation and exhaustion and more.

Parallel Mothers is the latest great film created by the magical connection between director Pedro Almodóvar and Penelope Cruz. It is their eighth film together over the past quarter century. The Spanish maestro knows precisely how to get all the colours out of his charismatic muse, and in turn, the veteran star takes his material and makes it feel both fiery and grounded.

Join us for our regular first Friday of the month film.
The Hall is heated!!!

Friday, 5th August

Doors open at 7.20 and
film starts at 8pm.
Tickets, memberships and 10-tix at the door - cash or card.

Stay after the film for good company, coffee, tea and home made cake. Just $4!

Don't forget our Annual General Meeting on Weds 17th Aug, 7.30pm at the Town Hall.
All welcome.  Contact us for more details.


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